Slide 1
Offline Looper Machine

Parent Of

Looper machine

  • This loop is designed to do offline trimming of Longblocks up to 60 meter, An offline trimming system allows for the trimming process to be performed separately from the main production line, which can improve efficiency
  • This can save processing time by Half an hour per long block, Estimated 30 to 40 % productivity increase.
  • The long block to be Trimmed is fed to the trimming portal by a conveyor system equipped with rollers which is located in two reinforced semi-circular towers
  • A motor-driven block straightner installed in front of the trimmimg unit serves for an accurate block guiding and for trimmmig the block
  • Max speed to support fine trimming is 15 Meter/Minute
  • Max block weight is 5 ton for 60 meter version
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